Lichen Planus Treatment

Lichen planus treatment natural. Erosive lichen planus differential diagnosis.

What Is Lichen Planus From Natural Herbal Remedies

What Is Erosive Lichen Planus?

What is lichen planus . It is an eruption of the blemishes which occur in the form of itchy papules that has usually thin top and purple surface. It usually occurs on the wrists, thighs and forearms.

Lichen Planus Causes

Causes of erosive lichen planus are

  • It occurs mostly among the patients of Hepatitis C
  • The drugs that contain excessive amount of arsenic
  • Excessive use of quinacrine for a long time. it is a type of drug
  • Patients that have bone marrow transplants due to any other disease

Lichen Planus Symptoms

Following things occur when the disease manifest in the body:

  • Skin gets Painful rashes and they are abundant on the sides of the tongue or inside of the cheeks
  • The blue white colored Pimples appear on the skin which are located highly on the inner wrist, legs, or genitals
  • Single or clusters of lesions appear at the site of skin injury that have excessive itching
  • The ulcers start occurring
  • Mouth stays dry and in the rare cases hair loss occurs, the nails either fall or break in an abnormal manner
  • Metal taste occurs on the tongue and other parts of the mouth that smells as well

Lichen Planus Diagnosis

It is a lichen planus pigmentosus that occurs by the bursting of rashes on the skin that can also appear in the mouth. They are mostly the itchy and rough textured scales that appear on the skin of the body in the polygon shape. It can occur on any part of the body including head, nails and genital parts. The disease blisters appear on the mucous membrane of genitalia. The skin eruption occur which produce extreme inflammation and pain.


Lichen Planus Prognosis

The problem occurs on skin hence it increases due to the exposure to the skin light. The person suffering from this problem should avoid the excessive sun exposure and the ultraviolet radiation. The people working among the chemicals should wear protective clothes where as it is better that they avoid the chemical substances completely. The extra ordinary use of makeup, un-prescribed ointments and medicated crèmes should also be avoided.

Lichen Planus Prevention

The people who are suffering from Lichen Planus should add the nutrition filled food items in their meals and they should eat the foods that reduce the nutrition deficiencies. Patient should eat a big amount of vitamin E for nails, hair and skin because it improves the health of hair and nails. The people who are not suffering from any disease should also add the amount of vitamin E in their daily nutrition to make their hair and nails stronger.

Lichen Planus Treatment

The most amazing remedy for lichen planus treatment is Plenical. it is made up of totally herbal constituents which are Ashwagandha, Liliaceae, Gum Benjamin, Ammonium Chloride and Myrobalan. It cures the problem without causing any kind of side effects. It is the best one when it comes to the best results. It is in the form of tablet because the ointment sometimes does not reach the infected area like inside the genital parts and inside mouth. This medicine accesses every part and cures the disease from the root. It is present at the herbal care products.
